Chapter 18
"The Trick Continues"
Several hours later, Sally went up to the attic and Mona could hear her words drift down from the spot where she was hiding. She sat behind the door to her room.
“Goodness!” screamed Sally when she opened the door and must have seen Delmar, “who are you? And what are you doing here?” Sally was a good actress. She really sounded surprised at finding Delmar there.
“Delmar Cowles. Who are you?” He said and yawned.
“Oh no, oh no, oh no,” said Sally, “I forgot all about you. It’s been a long time.”
“What?” said Delmar.
“It’s me, Mona,” said Sally, you’ve been stuck up here for a really long time, I guess. You fell asleep up here and I forgot you were up here and here you are.”
Delmar laughed. It was such a kind and pleasant laugh that Mona felt bad. She must tell him the truth, she thought and stood, but suddenly she heard another sound, which made her shudder.
“Mona,” called Nanny.
Mona peeped out from her hiding spot. To her horror, Sally and Delmar were on their way down the stairs. She beckoned to Sally, but the young woman didn’t see Mona. Sally must have thought Nanny was in on Mona’s trick. Mona watched in agony as Sally stopped in front of Nanny and smiled.
“It’s me, Mona,” said Sally.
“It certainly is not,” said Nanny, “Mona come out this minute. Explain yourself.”
Mona climbed downstairs. Nanny frowned at her when she came into view. Sally looked distraught. Delmar smiled at her as before.
“It’s all my fault, Nanny,” said Mona. Nanny raised her eyebrows to Sally.
“I’m very sorry, Ma’am,” said Sally. She put out her hand. Nanny shook it.
“Mona, I don’t think I want to know what is going on, but please don’t play any more tricks on anyone,” said Nanny.
“Sorry, Nanny,” said Mona. “Sorry, Sally.” Mona turned to Delmar.
“I’m really sorry, Delmar. It was a mean trick, I know,” said Mona.
“I thought it was a good trick. Rip Van Winkle. I deserved it. I’m sorry,” said Delmar. “My father told me about you when he got a letter back from Ms. Nanny about us staying here. He said you liked fishing and salamanders and having adventures on the Blackberry Islands. I wanted to be, you know, someone you liked and the crew and I always play tricks on each other and you liking animals gave me the idea, but now, I think it was a really bad idea. I thought if I could make you laugh, it’d be easier to talk to you, but what I did to you last night wasn’t funny. I’m sorry, Mona. At least you got me back good and all.”
“No more tricks?” asked Mona, as she stuck out her hand. Delmar frowned.
“Most of the time," said Mona “and no more dead mice.” Delmar smiled and held out his hand.
Delmar and Mona shook hands. Delmar and Mona spent many of the following days together on the Blackberry Isles and both enjoyed themselves and were great friends. Delmar promised to write to Mona at Pearly Beetle no matter where in the world he was.